Thursday, May 13, 2010

One Worthy Woman: Meeting the Expectations of Proverbs 31

By : Payton M. Ishmael

“Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, riiiinnnngggg!” I walked in to my grandparents’ (Bro. & Sis. Ishmael) house only to hear the loud and obnoxious sound of a bell. I immediately found my way to the place the sound was coming from to see Poppy ringing a huge, brass bell. I wasn’t sure if it was acceptable to laugh, but I did anyway. “Poppy! Why in the Heavens are you ringing that bell?” I asked. Before he could answer, I was already thinking of ways to protect him from Anna. She has never come across to me as someone that you beckon with a brass bell. …but then he replied.

“Well, your Anna brought this in here in case I need something,” he said. This, in accord with the role she has played over the last week leaves me in complete admiration. All I can think about is the woman of Proverbs 31.’

Throughout his four day stay at the hospital, Anna never left Poppy’s side. I imagine that it takes great strength and courage to watch your husband wince in pain. Tears were the evidence to my heart’s ache. Anna, though, did her best to remain composed, serving as a good dose of optimism for our family and friends.

To confirm my suspicions that my grandmother is indeed THE Proverbs 31 woman, I flipped to the chapter and took a journey reading about all the attributes that compose this ideal woman.

In my opinion, Anna comes across as very classy and put together. Even at first glance, I feel certain that people can draw the conclusion that she’s a special lady. It’s truly extraordinary, though, that I find her description as I delve into scripture.

She’s trustworthy. She takes care of everyone. She provides the very best for her family. She works hard and always does her very best at everything she puts her hand to. She’s wise. She reaches out to people. She’s crafty. She keeps all of us in line and together. Her children (and grandchildren) respect her. Her husband cherishes her.

Many of us have amazing women in our lives just like Anna. We don’t give them near enough credit. As I watch Anna in action; carrying on with her day-to-day duties while also making sure that Poppy is well taken care of and as comfortable as possible in his recovery, I know that she is a Proverbs 31 woman. As Christian women, we have a standard set. We have a very specific description of the role we are to play. Just like many of you with your mothers and grandmothers, I feel truly blessed to have a Proverbs 31 woman to admire. Her shoes are entirely too big for me to fill, but I’ll certainly do my best to try.

Written for House of Prayer newsletter// May 2, 2010

Confessions of a Fallen Heart

By: Payton M. Ishmael

I’m probably the absolute world’s worst to admit when I’m wrong, to fess up, face the music or count my losses. I would go so far as to deem myself stubborn and bullheaded. But when spirituality, or even life depend on a humiliating confession, it’s time to stand tall and speak loudly.

“I don’t want go somewhere, if I know that you’re not there. Because I know that me without you is a lie.”

- Avalon

I’ve always considered the lyrics to that song as my personal mission, if you will. It’s the truth. With each new turn and decision I make there are two routes; with Christ or without Him. With my mouth, I choose to live life for and with my Savior. With my lifestyle and my thought process –, however, I’m sometimes ashamed.

My life without Christ, your life without Christ, anyone’s life without Christ is a life without joy, without hope, without eternity, without everything. We are created in His image to represent Him. Let’s be honest with ourselves, how great is that representation? I’m definitely not pointing the finger at you – but all ten fingers at myself.

The song continues… “So come what ever. I’ll stick with you. I’ll walk you, you’ll lead me."

What a lofty commitment, but one so desperately needed. Think of all the heartache, sickness, bitterness and of all the messiness of life that “what ever” encompasses. How bold, how crucial for us to decide in our minds, with our hearts and throughout our souls that no matter what we may face and regardless of what we are going through that our faith, hope and trust still lie in the mighty hands of the Father. It’s so simple to take my own path, remove the filter from my mind and live for me, but I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I think about all that I’ll have to account for when I reach Heaven. No matter how great or small the injustices I’ve dealt, I’ll reap the shame before the gates.

Most things on this Earth are temporary. I see it more and more everyday. Computers and cell phones are lucky to make it to their first birthday. Many churches remain relatively young. Relationships are thrown out just like yesterday’s news. One thing is permanent though and that is eternity. Although we haven’t yet arrived at eternity, our current life is our preparation for our ultimate destination.

I hope you’ll work so hard with me to store up treasures, add jewels to our crowns and souls to the Book of Life. I don’t want to have to answer for sliding down into selfishness time and time again.

There you go. Nobody has reason to be embarrassed or ashamed. I admitted first that my life does and will always need to be closer and closer to the Lord. I assume we could all use some intimacy with our Creator. Find that time with him starting now. Improve that relationship beginning today. See you there.

Written for House of Prayer newsletter// April 25, 2010

Kisses from Heavens: Reminder's of God's Grace

By: Payton M. Ishmael

Tomboy was the best description of me as a child. Since then, I’ve become somewhat withdrawn from my favorite hobbies of yesteryear. With the arrival of spring, though, came new found happiness in old time interests. Throughout this discovery, I’ve felt kisses from Heaven.

It only takes a few moments outside the shelter of a roof to realize all of the ‘kisses’ Heaven sends our way; Daily reminders of God’s magnificent power and His endless love for us. As soon as my front door opens on a sunny day, I already know that for some unbeknownst reason, Heaven is smiling down.

I can’t get enough of being outside in the beautiful weather that we’ve been having, minus the allergies. Feeling the sunshine beam down might possibly be the best feeling in the world. How could we not feel His presence? Don’t get me wrong, mowing isn’t my favorite chore, but there’s something about the scent of a freshly cut lawn that adds to this season of life. How could we not sense His greatness?

I can’t put in to word’s the beauty of creation. I can't express the overwhelming feelings of peace and serenity that come with spending time with the Lord while meddling in the very Earth He created.

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.

- Anne Frank

Written for House of Prayer newsletter //April 18, 2010

Behold, He Comes: The Observance of Palm Sunday

By: Payton M. Ishmael

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion!
Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem!
See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the war-horses from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be broken.
He will proclaim peace to the nations.
His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth

The dusty roads of Jerusalem are lined on both sides; the volume of the population is like that of a modern-day parade. People are waiting, watching in anticipation. The mood of the crowd combines that of love and of hate. Some watch with hatred, preparing to mock and jeer. Others watch full of love and adoration to the One soon approaching.
Finally, He becomes visible just this side of the horizon. Half of the crowd begins praising, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!” Palm branches wave in the air and cover the streets, almost as if an ancient version of Hollywood’s red carpet. The people have made preparations for this day, the beginning of Holy Week. Today is the “triumphant entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem.

In the year 2010, it’s hard to imagine what life might have been like during the time that Jesus appeared on Earth as man. Today, many people also refer to ‘Palm Sunday’ as ‘Passion Sunday.’ Although I understand where the term ‘palm’ was derived from, ‘passion’ seems a much more fitting term.
In exactly one week, we will celebrate Easter Sunday. So calling the week ahead ‘Holy Week’ is something to ponder upon. If we were amidst the crowd so many years ago, this would be a week of great tragedy and tremendous victory. Nobody was apathetic. Some gladly joined the mob who scoffed at Jesus and His brutal crucifixion. Others, though, had shattered hearts as He cried out, “Father, forgive them.” Most blessed for all of us, is that those broken hearts were quickly mended at the end of the week.
Remember today the Palm embellished streets of Jerusalem. Remember today the triumphant entry of Christ. Remember this week, Holy Week, the grace provided to us today.

Written for House of Prayer newsletter// March 28, 2010