Friday, June 11, 2010

Standing Invitation: I'd Like to RSVP

By: Payton M. Ishmael
Sometimes I serenade my family and they laugh. They think I do it only for their entertainment. …if they only knew. Additionally, I’m a runner. My daily workouts zoom by as a sing along to the most random assortment of tunes on my iPod. As my playlist shuffled its ways to The Hinson’s, I couldn’t help but get excited about the Hallelujah Meeting. Let me break it down for you.
I’ve grown up Pentacostal. I’m not sure how I would have turned out if I had been raised any other way. I hear stories about holy ghost meetings that took place long before my time. I can remember being in middle school asking questions about how to get back to the ‘the old days?’ I deeply desired an experience of my own like the ones I heard so often of.
Although my experiences have been different than the history I’ve been told of, I’ve seen an outpouring of the spirit. I’ve witnessed God work in incredible ways. I’ve experienced God, His presence, and His companionship.
As I ran and sang along on my treadmill, I put the song on repeat, and each time it was a different line that gave me chills all over.
“I got more than just religion when Jesus saved my soul.”
It’s true. For at least, the first 20 years of my life, I felt sure that if you were affiliated with the Church of God, you got valet parking and VIP service in Heaven. However, denomination becomes no more than a logo and a doctrine to argue about in the grand scheme of things. Instead, it’s the salvation found deep down in our soul that provides the opportunity to the pass through the pearly gates.
“…and a standing invitation to a hallelujah spell.”
Can you imagine? I mean, really imagine. Not only will all the bad stuff go away; loneliness, hurt, worry, loss, pain, sickness. We get a daily dose of the good stuff; a standing invitation. That means it never goes away. We can bask in the presence of the Lord all day every day, we can experience daily a hallelujah spell!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Will Not Go Quietly: Standing Up & Speaking Out

By: Payton M. Ishmael

In the 1960’s, the Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools. Today, the name Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists, Inc. makes my blood bubble. The same sick feeling overwhelmed my being again this week when I read an article with the headline; “Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees.”
Before I get started, allow me to defend myself. The number one argument posed at people taking a stance for Christ or in favor of America is that we are not ‘cultured’ and we are not ‘open-minded.’ I’ve been sent completely around the globe to be ‘cultured.’ I’ve chosen to sit in churches outside my own denomination to learn about them. I love learning about people different than myself; those of different nationalities, religions, cultures. Just because I sometimes disagree with them, I’m not going to ridicule them or burn them at the stake. That being said, no, I do not take an offensive approach to those who live and believe differently than I do. By all means, embrace your differences.
That doesn’t mean, however, that I do not play defense. I love Jesus and I’m not intimidated one, single bit to tell anyone who asks me. I also take great pride in my country and feel a great deal of respect for the people who have and are protecting my freedoms as an American. Christianity isn’t perfect, but Christ is. Our government doesn’t always uphold the values we were founded upon, but that does not change the noble conception of this nation.
After reading the article, I learned that five high school students were sent home from school for wearing shirts with the American flag on them. I was livid. Kids get sent home from school? That’s not the worst thing that could happen, but if we allow this to pass, what’s next? If we sit back and shake our heads disapprovingly, what are we accomplishing? Benjamin Franklin once said that “Well done is better than well said.” We cannot go silently. If we’re going to see our kids, grandkids, and so forth grow up in a Patriotic America where they are not chastised for living for and loving Christ, we have to defend those values on our own. We can’t rely on state law makers in Austin nor politicians in D.C. We are responsible for being defenders of our own personal values. Take the first step, remind the leadership of Live Oak High School of the freedoms promised us.

Live Oak High School
1505 East Main Avenue
Morgan Hill, CA. 95037

A Generation Cries Out: Find Comfort in Your Own Skin

By: Payton M. Ishmael

Hurting hearts cry out everywhere and for some reason my ears are magnified to the cries of young girls. I know wonderful young ladies of all ages, a once-family member recently finished up her time as a sixth grader. Every couple of weeks, I used to get phone calls or text messages from her or one of her friends pouring out their precious, little hearts. I can’t help but hurt for them. Already, they are defining themselves by who their best friend is, which boy they are “going with” or the latest trends that clad their eating disordered bodies.
There are terms in our society loosely thrown around that shouldn’t be because their definitions have been warped and improperly used which has in turn produced a generation of amazing young girls who have no self confidence and who can’t find their self worth. Allow me to set the record and definitions straight.

BEAUTIFUL: YOU are beautiful. That’s right, you who are reading this; male or female; young or old; big or small. We were all created with a DIVINE hand, do you understand this? Embrace the features that make you unique. It doesn’t matter what anyone in the whole world says – beauty is more than skin deep.

COOL: Originally, this term described temperature. Now, it describes a certain type of people that everyone wants to be. Fortunately, we’re all so different… and that’s incredible. Just be YOU. Give up trying to be cool! I’d much rather be hot. J

LOVE: I explain the following after learning my own lessons. The cute classmate in middle school is probably not your life long companion. Yes, you may like a person enough to make your heart hurt. That’s precisely why the Bible tells us to guard our hearts. We can only be broken so many times. Take care of your heart. Don’t entrust it to just anyone.

Most importantly, live your life in a way that makes you proud to be you

Half of My Heart: I Can't Keep Loving You

By: Payton M. Ishmael

I enjoy a wide array of music; little bit of this, little bit of that. My favorite songs aren’t always the most uplifting, or the best musically, but rather that of lyrics to which I can relate. Guinevere by Eli Young Band, He’s Still Working on Me by The Hemphills, and Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison are just a few among many of my most favorites. Often times, I’m sure my interpretation of a song’s lyrics is much different than the artist’s intent. A prime example of this would be Half of My Heart by John Mayer.
“Half of my heart’s got a grip on the situation…” goes the song. Half of my heart truly does. Half of my heart trusts in the Lord. Half of my heart has faith that everything works together for good. Half of my heart is completely surrendered. Half of my heart is willing. Half of my heart is hungry for more. Half of my heart aims to be a blessing to the King. Unfortunately, it takes two halves to make a whole.
You see, the other half my heart wonders, “God, can you hear me up there?” The other half questions why bad things happen to good people. The other half of my heart has become a bit hard and bitter. Half of my heart seeks self advancement, as opposed to Kingdom advancement.
The song continues, “…I can’t keep loving you, oh, with half of my heart.” Although I feel certain that John Mayer wasn’t talking about his relationship with Christ, parts of that song became very real to me as I drove to work this week. I can’t continue to offer only half of me to God. He wants all of me just the way that He wants all of you.
How would life be if we were only half-way forgiven, half-way loved, half-way breathing? Just like everything else, our relationship with Christ really isn’t a relationship at all if it’s only ‘half-way.’ It’s time to search our souls to the deepest depth. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart… There’s no small print at the bottom of that verse. It simply says ALL. In my journey to lay down more of me and find more of Him, I know that I can’t continue my journey to the King with only half of my heart.