Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Generation Cries Out: Find Comfort in Your Own Skin

By: Payton M. Ishmael

Hurting hearts cry out everywhere and for some reason my ears are magnified to the cries of young girls. I know wonderful young ladies of all ages, a once-family member recently finished up her time as a sixth grader. Every couple of weeks, I used to get phone calls or text messages from her or one of her friends pouring out their precious, little hearts. I can’t help but hurt for them. Already, they are defining themselves by who their best friend is, which boy they are “going with” or the latest trends that clad their eating disordered bodies.
There are terms in our society loosely thrown around that shouldn’t be because their definitions have been warped and improperly used which has in turn produced a generation of amazing young girls who have no self confidence and who can’t find their self worth. Allow me to set the record and definitions straight.

BEAUTIFUL: YOU are beautiful. That’s right, you who are reading this; male or female; young or old; big or small. We were all created with a DIVINE hand, do you understand this? Embrace the features that make you unique. It doesn’t matter what anyone in the whole world says – beauty is more than skin deep.

COOL: Originally, this term described temperature. Now, it describes a certain type of people that everyone wants to be. Fortunately, we’re all so different… and that’s incredible. Just be YOU. Give up trying to be cool! I’d much rather be hot. J

LOVE: I explain the following after learning my own lessons. The cute classmate in middle school is probably not your life long companion. Yes, you may like a person enough to make your heart hurt. That’s precisely why the Bible tells us to guard our hearts. We can only be broken so many times. Take care of your heart. Don’t entrust it to just anyone.

Most importantly, live your life in a way that makes you proud to be you

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