Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Half of My Heart: I Can't Keep Loving You

By: Payton M. Ishmael

I enjoy a wide array of music; little bit of this, little bit of that. My favorite songs aren’t always the most uplifting, or the best musically, but rather that of lyrics to which I can relate. Guinevere by Eli Young Band, He’s Still Working on Me by The Hemphills, and Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison are just a few among many of my most favorites. Often times, I’m sure my interpretation of a song’s lyrics is much different than the artist’s intent. A prime example of this would be Half of My Heart by John Mayer.
“Half of my heart’s got a grip on the situation…” goes the song. Half of my heart truly does. Half of my heart trusts in the Lord. Half of my heart has faith that everything works together for good. Half of my heart is completely surrendered. Half of my heart is willing. Half of my heart is hungry for more. Half of my heart aims to be a blessing to the King. Unfortunately, it takes two halves to make a whole.
You see, the other half my heart wonders, “God, can you hear me up there?” The other half questions why bad things happen to good people. The other half of my heart has become a bit hard and bitter. Half of my heart seeks self advancement, as opposed to Kingdom advancement.
The song continues, “…I can’t keep loving you, oh, with half of my heart.” Although I feel certain that John Mayer wasn’t talking about his relationship with Christ, parts of that song became very real to me as I drove to work this week. I can’t continue to offer only half of me to God. He wants all of me just the way that He wants all of you.
How would life be if we were only half-way forgiven, half-way loved, half-way breathing? Just like everything else, our relationship with Christ really isn’t a relationship at all if it’s only ‘half-way.’ It’s time to search our souls to the deepest depth. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart… There’s no small print at the bottom of that verse. It simply says ALL. In my journey to lay down more of me and find more of Him, I know that I can’t continue my journey to the King with only half of my heart.

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