Friday, March 12, 2010

Introducing: Me. Welcome to my Blog

“You must overcome your heredity,” my grandfather, whom I call Poppy told me my entire life. I’m the product of teenage passion. Growing up, I lived two very different lifestyles. There was Payton Michele, the poor girl on free-lunch who lived in the projects and starved for attention when I was with my mother. Then, there was the pampered princess with high expectations, a Godly raising, and the latest designer handbag with my father and his side of the family. Inspired by my double lifestyle, I use my family's expectations and my personal fear of failing as the fuel for my success.

I can’t exactly remember where my story began. The memories of my childhood are comparable to a slice of Swiss cheese. All the happy times remain, while the struggles eat away little holes at an otherwise piece of perfection. After my parents divorced, I had to be ‘a big girl.’ To me, being a big girl wasn’t as simplistic as putting my toys away. Instead, I felt an inherent need to take care of Landon, my epileptic baby brother. I had the mentality that you could pick on me all you wanted, but if you wanted to degrade Landon, I was willing to be like David facing the giant. Three physical retaliations and three days of in-school suspension later, Landon’s bullies knew that he wasn’t to be messed with.

Don’t be fooled, I wasn’t ‘Miss Tough Stuff.’ There was still my other way of life embellished with happy memories. With my grandparents, Anna and Poppy, are some of the most precious pastimes; Falling asleep curled up with Poppy in his study, licking the spoon while Anna baked all my favorite desserts, traveling the world and countless heart-to-heart talks that not only allowed my dear grandparents to give me guidance, but allowed me to grow both spiritually and mentally. Pastors, mentors and best friends, I consider them to this day. Joy also came via my daddy. We have the most unique relationship of any father/daughter duo in the world, and I say that proudly. As a little girl, he read Three Billy Goats Gruff to me over and over and over. I feel certain he has the story memorized and he probably deserves at least partial credit for my obsessive reading habit. Since then, he has been a silent, steady support in all my life’s endeavors. Although his words of wisdom come seldom, they speak volumes when spoken. In addition to this vital trio, is a host of friends and family who have helped shaped ‘Payton.’

The timeline of my life is most easily measured by educational achievements. There was the thrill of reading in kindergarten when I finally conquered the word O.K. After weeks of pronouncing the word ‘ock’, I deemed myself a genius when it finally registered as ‘okay.’ In second grade, I learned that creative writing wasn’t just my favorite subject, but it was a strength, a passion and an avenue of release to express the heartache and happiness my soul felt. Shortly after this discovery, I ‘published’ my first book. It was about a bunny; I dedicated and gifted it to Anna and Poppy. Bouncing around from school to school with each of my mother’s marriages helped me develop a knack for making friends quickly. This was crucial throughout the sixth grade. In seventh grade, I finally settled into Edgewood, Texas and remained there throughout high school graduation.

Junior high and high school was the same for me as it is for most east Texas teenagers; awkward, dramatic and full of planning for the next step. I decided my next step would be to attend college at Lee University. To get acquainted with the campus, I participated in the University’s Summer Honors program. The summer before my senior year of high school, I lived in a dorm in Tennessee and began my college courses. In addition to learning how to apply the Bible to pop culture and how to communicate with the opposite sex, I also learned that I didn’t want to spend four of the most of important years of my life in Cleveland, Tennessee. The next year was one of chaos, confusion and indecision as I searched and prayed for God’s will in my life. I feel certain that I ‘donated’ deposits to a handful of institutions with intentions of attending for my undergraduate education. My grandparents saved the day once again when they sent me to Europe in the summer of 2003. I can’t remember if I was high atop a mountain in Switzerland, strolling along the streets of Berlin, or sitting at an outdoor café in the heart of Rome when I discovered a little more about who I was and what I wanted. I don’t know what made the decision, but I knew I was destined to be a ‘Yankee’. Well, in the eyes of a native Texan, ‘Yankee’ would be the accurate term.

God’s country, also called Norman, Oklahoma, is home to my alma mater and my self-discovery. The pages of the longest book ever written would not be enough to record all the lessons learned while attending the University of Oklahoma. The rich tradition and prestigious education make me forever proud to be Sooner born and Sooner bred.

Quickly after college, my life took an unfortunate detour containing a series of events that have brought me to the place I am today. Engagement, marriage, a big move to Fort Worth, Texas, followed shortly by divorce has caused me to spin around in circles in a matter of two, short years. When I married, I laid down the goals I had set for myself long ago. Part of that dream included earning my PhD. Perhaps good comes from everything, I’m still unsure if I believe this life philosophy, but I feel thankful to be able to pick up where I let off and begin the pursuit of Master’s degree.

Here I am today, blessed beyond what I could ever imagine; I have the best support system a graduate student could ask for. I’m surrounded by people who love and encourage me and who will hold me accountable for achieving my highest goals. “I press toward the goal for the prize…” Philippians 3:14

1 comment:

  1. Payton i dont have to read this to know that your an amazing person but it does open my eyes a little more about where you come from. Its so obviouse to me that God didn't like the life style that you had been delt. He interviened in a way that every soul could only pray for rescue. Alot of people would put the past behind them and never open that book again. but not you, you have turned that book into fuel for you success to break the curse of history repeating its self. Payton you are very fortunate to have the blessing of Anna and Poppy taking over and redirect your life. they showed you how to become mentally and spiritualy alert, and how to apply it into your life. I applaud them in their success of training up a child, who has become a women with so much to offer. You have risen above so much and succeeded in acomplishing so may goals. Payton i want to support you in completing all of your goals. I believe in you because your an amazing person and i am proud to call you my freind.
    David Lee
