Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reframing Eve: Memoirs from Me

By: Payton M. Ishmael

Dear Eve,
I’m truly irritated by you. Because of your life-changing bad decision, I change into 8 different outfits every morning before I leave the house. Additionally, I understand that I will be in excruciating pain IF I ever procreate.
Sincerely, Payton

I’m in the midst of reading Twelve Extraordinary Women. Please imagine the initial disgust that I felt when I read that Eve was selected by this obviously confused author. …and then I read about her.

I imagine that Eve was beautiful. I bet she was perfectly toned, had flawless skin, and no split-ends. However, I couldn’t find any physical descriptions of her in the Bible. In fact, judging by the information that is included about her, I’d say that being God’s ‘ideal woman’ has nothing to do with outward appearance, but with character.

Eve was a ‘source of joy and gladness to her husband.’ I don’t think many women can boast the same. She completed Adam’s existence. Wow! That alone seems admirable to me. Then, we know Eve had Cain, Abel, and Seth. Three kids may seem like a lot of labor, but we learn in Genesis 5:4 that after Seth, Adam lived 800 years and had sonS and daughterS (emphasis added). I’m no Bible scholar, but I assume that means Eve birthed quite a few kiddos. Lord bless her! Can we get an ‘amen’ from all the mothers?

I don’t have to tell you that Eve got herself into a little predicament. The further she strayed from Adam’s side, the more she was tempted. There’s a lesson to be learned here, even today. The further we stray from the Lord’s side, the more we will be tempted. It’s as simple as that. As a result of my new found knowledge on Eve, I decided to rewrite my letter.

Dear Eve,
Many congrats on birthing a family and populating the Earth. I want you to know that even though you have a bad rap for eating the forbidden fruit, I still think you’ve proven to be quite a stand-up woman. I read all about your temptation. I don’t agree with your decision, but I understand the struggle between knowing what’s right and doing what’s wrong. I don’t know how many people could have stood their ground under such great temptation. Additionally, the whole idea of being a ‘helper’ to your husband and being submissive to his leadership is almost a lost art in this modern day world. Kudos to you Eve!
Sincerely, Payton

Written March 14, 2010 for House of Prayer newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 9

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